This is the Alphabetical List of All HTML Pages
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401k_asset_allocator.htm - How to use asset allocation strategies to allocate 401k / 403b / 457 and similar retirement plans.
401k_calculator.htm - Product information and directions for the 401k calculator.
401k_calculators.htm - List of most all 401(k) calculators on the web.
529_college_savings_plans.htm - Opinions on what to do about 529 college saving plans.
alternative_litigation_capital_funding.htm - About consumer alternative litigation funding as a potential new asset class.
american_funds.htm - A portfolio model made from the best American Funds to show how mediocre this mutual fund family really is.
asset_allocation.htm - Tutorial primer on asset allocation, our investment track record compared to the markets, and a long tutorial about there being only three ways to manage money, and five ways to perform asset allocation.
asset_allocation_calculator.htm - Comprehensive asset allocation software (not the models nor asset distribution tools).
asset_allocation_calculator_instructions.htm - Instructions for using the asset allocation software (not asset allocation models nor distribution tools).
asset_allocation_models.htm - The page describing the actively-managed dynamic asset allocation models.
asset_distribution_calculator.htm - Asset distribution software (not the model investment portfolios nor asset allocation software).
bond_calculators.htm - Bond portfolio management software.
bond_calculators_instructions.htm - Bond calculator software directions.
business_calculators.htm - Free online calculators for business planning.
buy_term_invest_difference_calculator.htm - Whole life insurance vs. buy term life insurance and investing the difference into mutual funds calculator (AKA BTID calculator).
buying_software_using_paypal.htm - How to buy personal finance software using PayPal.
college_calculators.htm - Free online calculators for college planning.
college_savings_calculator.htm - College planning calculator for tuition funding.
college_savings_calculator_instructions.htm - College funding software instructions.
custom_deals.htm - Page with all of the prices so you can order custom bundled deals.
debt_calculators.htm - Free online debt, credit card, and loan calculators.
default.htm - Tools for Money home page
DFA_investment_software_evaluation.htm - Review of Dimensional Fund Advisors investing platform.
dol_fiduciary_rules.htm - About the new Department of Labor's new Fiduciary Rules in a nutshell.
discount_brokers.htm - About using discount brokers to manage your own investment portfolio
dollar_cost_averaging.htm - Investment dollar cost averaging tutorial.
don't_borrow_to_invest.htm - Why you should never borrow from your home to invest in the financial markets.
downloading_investment_data.htm - How to get your online discount broker to automatically download your account data into our investment software.
emoney_sunguard_financial_software_evaluation.htm - Review of Sunguard's eMoney financial plan software.
endowment_tutorial.htm - A short primer tutorial about endowment fund management.
errors_and_ommissons_tips.htm - Tips for financial planners about E&O insurance.
estate_planning_software.htm - The short version of estate planning and estate planning software after the Jan '13 changes
excel_financial_planning_software.htm - About why MS Excel is by far the best platform for financial software.
excel_pie_charts.htm - How to overcome common Microsoft Excel's pie-chart making problems.
excel_usage_tips.htm - About using Excel financial planning spreadsheets, including how to e-mail just the results to clients so you don't have to send the whole program.
fact_finding_via_email.htm - How to use financial planning fact finders via e-mail or online downloading.
family_money_calculators.htm - Free online money calculators for families.
financial_calculators.htm - Most all free online financial calculators.
financial_plan.htm - Sample financial plan for showing prospects what they'll get when they hire a financial planner using this investment software.
financial_plan_integration.htm - About financial plan software integration and how to integrate financial planning software modules with each other.
financial_planner_coaching.htm - Sales, marketing, and practice management coaching for financial planners.
financial_planner_starter_kit.htm - Suite of the most needed money tools for brand new financial advisors.
financial_planning_agenda.htm - Sample financial planning meeting agenda.
financial_planning_appointment_letter.htm - Sample letter to send to clients coming into the office for the first time.
financial_planning_consulting.htm -'s consulting and custom software development rates.
financial_planning_fact_finders.htm - Investment risk tolerance questionnaire, and client fact finders used by financial planners.
financial_planning_homework.htm - Ancient sample letter for sending to prospects to do homework before the second appointment.
financial_planning_links.htm - Links to select financial websites.
financial_planning_marketing.htm - Contents of a financial planner / investment manager's new prospect marketing binder.
financial_planning_practices_for_sale.htm - A pay page for advisors to list their desire to buy or sell an investment management or financial planning practice.
financial_planning_prospect_binder.htm - Practice management and marketing pieces for financial planners.
financial_planning_prospecting_and_practice_management.htm - Old phone sales scripts, tips, and prospect contact and appointment letters to help keep your sales funnel full.
financial_planning_software.htm - The suite of fully-integrated financial planning software.
financial_planning_software_deals.htm - Discounts when buying all of the investor software a financial planner needs.
financial_planning_software_demos.htm - Instructions and answers to FAQs about the free demonstration programs.
financial_planning_software_evaluations.htm - The current status of all of the financial planning software evaluations, reviews, and comparisons.
financial_planning_software_prices.htm - Detailed list of all of Tools for's financial plan software programs and prices.
financial_planning_software_reviews.htm - Reviews, comparisons, and evaluations of most all financial planning software vendors.
financial_planning_software_redundancy.htm - Learn which modules you don't need to buy in a Bundled Deal to avoid duplication because of redundancy.
financial_planning_software_sale.htm - The page you go to if you're interested in the periodic sale.
financial_planning_software_support.htm - About the three levels of support you can buy for financial planning software.
financial_planning_software_updates.htm - About financial planning software updates.
financial_seminar.htm - Financial planning and retirement planning marketing PowerPoint seminar.
financial_software_testimonials.htm - What customers say about our financial software.
financial_tools.htm - Large collection of free time value of money calculators and tools for making financial plans.
financial_tools_directions.htm - Directions for the financial plan tools.
finra_ccompliance.htm - About financial planning software regarding Finra and Broker Dealer compliance.
fixed_annuities.htm - About the fundamental flaws in the logic of investing in the "safe and guaranteed" world of fixed annuities.
free_money_calculator_downloads.htm - Free financial planning software downloads (page 2 of 2).
free_pc_tips.htm - Tips on buying and living with personal computers.
goals-only_financial_planning_software.htm - Just what it say to compete with other goalware
goals_based_planning_software_instructions.htm - Directions for the Goals-Only Financial Plan Software
goals_vs_cash_flow_based_financial_planning_software.htm - Just what it say to compete with other goalware
hedge_funds.htm - Free opinion on investing in hedge funds.
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