Family home budget software for personal budgeting and controlling future cash flows.

Personal Budget Software
- with -
75-Year Family Cash Flow Projector
- and -
Disability and/or Nursing Home Income Needs Calculator
- and -
Retirement Income Needs Projector

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First, the Personal Budget Software

Comprehensive Budgeting Tools for Creating a Current Snapshot of a Family's Budget (incomes vs. expenses)

This comprehensive personal budget tool is for tracking, organizing, and comparing family incomes and expenses.

This is how to get as accurate of a picture of spending vs. income as you want. The accuracy depends only on how much time you spend on inputting details.

It's also important to know what your monthly "nut" would be if you were to become disabled. So everything is duplicated for you to tweak your estimated expenses while disabled, and then it calculates how much disability insurance you'd need.

The same concepts apply to calculating the need for nursing home insurance (AKA long-term care insurance), and retirement income goals.

This is the rare case where we didn't make a fuss about creating a very competitive product. This is because there's a "race to the bottom" in the personal finance software space, so major players have either went under or offer their budget software for free, just to get the web ad traffic money.

About personal budget software.

Family Budget Software Features:

• This personal budget software has three main expense sections, just like the Real World: Fixed expenses, variable expenses, and debt payments.

• The family budget spreadsheet shows a snapshot of your current major expense and debt categories, and three detailed bar charts to help put expenses into perspective.

• It categorizes everything logically by type of expense, so you can easily see where the money is going, by category, and who is spending it.

• The family budget tool determines how much you're really spending hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and annually.

• You can track and account for every dollar spent if you want to.

• The family budget spreadsheet allows you to compare what you've actually spent with pre-budgeted amounts. It then shows how much you were off, by comparing actual expenses with what you forecasted / estimated / budgeted for / set spending limits on / or have spent in the past.

This helps identify items where you're spending more or less than you budgeted for. It shows these differences both for each variable expense, and for all of the combined variable expenses. So this feature tells you which expenses, and how much, you need to cut back on to stay within your family budget.

• The budget program tells if you're running a surplus or deficit, and how much it is annually / monthly / weekly / daily / and hourly based on a 40-hour work week.

• The budgeting tool has separate duplicated sheets so you can adjust your normal times expenses to account for disability of one, or both, breadwinners. Then these (monthly) deficit numbers are the amounts of disability or long-term care insurance you would need to buy to protect your standard of living for your family.

• The personal budget software tells you what percent of your gross income is going to fixed expenses, variable expenses, taxes, debt repayments, and surplus / deficits. It then gives the same numbers on a net (after-tax) basis. It then does it all again as if disabled.

• The home budget software displays how much net and gross income you'll need on an annual / monthly / weekly / daily / and hourly basis to meet the budget. It tells you what everything would be if you were debt-free and/or disabled, for a total of eight scenarios at once.

• The budget software determines your average / effective tax bracket, and how taxes are allocated.

• These budget tools make lots of nice color charts for most everything you can think of, and everything everyone else's budget software has. Then you can edit them any way you want to, and make all of the new charts, tables, and graphs you want.

• The family budget spreadsheet figures your gas mileage both on each fill-up and on average. This is a great way to tell if you need a tune-up (your gas mileage will go down relative to the average).

• You can budget / plan and save for future expenditures / goals by using the replacement calculator. Not accounting for mundane replacements is the biggest reason why family budgets never add up. There is one for normal times and one for disabled times. This will calculate the amounts you'll need to save periodically to have the money needed to replace expensive things that will eventually wear out - like painting, roofing, vehicles, etc.

• It's just an Excel financial spreadsheet, so there's no installation procedures. It's simple and not overwhelming. It's almost as easy to use compared to programs like Quicken, lets you make any changes you want to fit your needs, and allows you to run all "What-if" scenarios.

• There are plenty of income and expense categories, and if you want more, there are plenty of miscellaneous categories you can rename to be whatever you want.

About the 75-year Cash Flow Projector

When you order the Cash Flow Projector it comes with the Budget Tool, above.

This takes a current snapshot of a family's incomes and expenses, then projects everything up to 75-years into the future. You can control every dollar in every year with each income and expense item.

Budget Calculator Features:

• The personal budget projector takes each expense in three categories - fixed, variable, and debt service; and then adds the inputted annual inflation rate to determine the next years' numbers. To keep it simple, you can use a global inflation rate to make everything inflate at the same rate with just one input.

• You can change each expense's inflation rate, which can even be negative, and you can manually override each expense amount in every year. This gives you total control over every dollar in every year.

You can also stop any income or expense in one-year, and then bring it back in a future year. You can also start a new income or expense in any future year, even if it doesn't currently exist (and then have it last just one month or one day or be just $1). You have total control and can model any scenario you need.

• The personal budget software also projects all incomes using the same global rate of increase and/or being able to control every dollar in every year.

• It has duplicated cash flow projection sheets so you can adjust your normal times expenses to account for disability of one, or both, breadwinners. Then the (monthly) deficit numbers display the amounts of disability or nursing home insurance you'd need to buy to protect your standard of living.

• This personal budget software gives you total control over forecasting incomes and expenses into the future, so you can nail down how much you'll be spending during retirement. You'd then integrate these future estimated annual budgets into the income goal manual override columns of Real World Retirement, or RP, the scaled-down retirement planner.

Integrating with RWR is a very accurate way to project your financial future, so the Integrated Financial Planner was developed to do all of this automatically, via hard-wiring the programs together.

• You can perform any "What-If scenario" you can think of quicker and easier than other programs by using Excel's built-in Goal Seek function with just a few clicks.

• The cash flow projector gives you the choice of figuring taxes automatically or manually. Either way, you'll have total control over how much is spent on all taxes. Being able to simulate increases or decreases in any tax rate in any year is a unique feature.

• It then adds everything up to get all of the bottom lines in the overall picture in each year. This includes gross vs. net incomes and just about everything else you can think of - both in normal times and if disabled (or in long-term care).

• It also compares the percentage change for each expense, each expense category, and incomes for each year. At the bottom row of every subheading (where subtotals are tallied) there is a row that shows the percentage difference increase / decrease from the previous year.

• The family budget spreadsheet calculates the standard deviation, average, median, minimum, and maximum for all incomes, expenses, subtotals, and totals.

• The cash flow software also has many tables, charts, and graphs to show the overall results. There's too many to list here, please see the demo. Just about every way of presenting personal finance information is already there.

• If you want to see information displayed that's not already there, then the Results sheets are not protected, so you can make new charts and do anything else you want to it.

• It comes with another money spreadsheet that semi-automatically copies all input data from the old version into the new one. It also allows you to semi-automatically delete all input data from select sheets. This makes dealing with annual updates and the hundreds of manual override inputs easy.

To download the demos, right click on a link below, and then choose "Save (Target) As..." to save to your hard drive. Then find it and open with Excel.
Answers to frequently asked demo questions and how to use demos.

The free thirty-day trial period is available for this family budgeting calculator

Download the Personal Budget Software with 75-year Cash Flow Projector demo

After you have the family budget spreadsheet, read the directions

Then download the cash flow report explanation text

Financial Planning Software Modules For Sale
(are listed below)

Financial Planning Software that's Fully-Integrated
(the IFP is the NaviPlan alternative for 1/6th the price)

Goals-Only "Financial Planning Software"
(the MoneyGuidePro alternative for 1% of their price)

Retirement Planning Software Menu: Something for Everyone
(the RWRs, RP, and SRP)

Comprehensive Asset Allocation Software

Model Portfolio Allocations with Historical Returns

Monthly-updated ETF and Mutual Fund Picks

DIY Investment Portfolio Benchmarking Program

Financial Planning Fact Finders for Financial Planners Gathering Data from Clients

Investment Policy Statement Software (IPS)

Life Insurance Calculator (AKA Capital Needs Analysis Software)

Bond Calculators for Duration, Convexity, YTM, Accretion, and Amortization

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Rental Real Estate Investing Software

Net Worth Calculator (Balance Sheet Maker) and 75-year Net Worth Projector

College Savings Calculator

Financial Seminar Covering Retirement Planning and Investment Management

Sales Tools for Financial Adviser Marketing

TVM Financial Tools and Financial Calculators

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Miscellaneous Pages of Interest
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Primer Tutorial to Learn the Basics of Financial Planning Software

About the Department of Labor's New Fiduciary Rules

Using Asset Allocation to Manage Money

Download Brokerage Data into Spreadsheets

How to Integrate Financial Planning Software Modules to Share Data

CRM and Portfolio Management Software

About Monte Carlo Simulators

About Efficient Frontier Portfolio Optimizers

Calculating Your Investment Risk Tolerance

About Discount Brokers for DIY Money Management

About 401(k) Plan Management

Buy now with your Visa or MasterCard by calling (707) 996-9664

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Home Budget and Cash Flow Projector Prices Unsupported E-mail Support E-mail and Phone Support
Personal Budget Software with Cash Flow Projector $5 $10 $20
Cash Flow Projector with Cash Flow Fact Finder
(consumers don't need Fact Finders)
$7 $12 $22
Lifetime Subscription
(pay once and never pay again)
N/A N/A $75

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